We reached for the heart of
ICR´s community on social media

If content is the king, distribution is the queen. High-quality content was there, it was only a matter of knowing how to distribute it. Based on this premise, we made the “Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario” (ICR) forge a strong bond with its digital community. That way, an institution dedicated to taking care of the heart, reached for the heart of its followers on social media.

Knowledge as service
Cardiologists talk about the importance of health care on pandemic times. Nutrionists give tips on healthy diet. Sports medicine doctors and personal trainers offer sports training alternatives. These are just some examples of prestigious health professionals that converge on ICR´s social media so as to share their knowledge and for the audience to obtain truthful and reliable first-hand information.

The content reached a great number of people thanks to the platforms that the digital world offers. This was reflected on Facebook and Instagram, where the strategy success resulted in a non-stop growing number of interactions.
Hello ICR! Last Friday I attended consultation. Wonderful attention and protocols. Thank you!

Very professional.
Thanks for everything you offer

Thanks ICR for the attention you give and for taking care of my sister so much.

Excellent lecture. Explicit and widely applicable to daily life. Congratulations!

Win the audience´s loyalty
It´s not worth having a million-people community if they don´t interact. ICR´s Instagram and Facebook profiles are a sample of the fact that it´s possible to have a loyal audience without adding up followers. In these platforms, the institution and the doctors that conform it are thanked for their work.

Very visual and with clear messages
On social media, the content offered is endless and the attention time is short.

Explanatory images secuencies for complex subjects to be understood by everyone.
Live videos by ICR´s health professionals.

Videos that share the neccesary information for daily life in a few seconds-.

Facebook Live as a case study
During quarantine, being unable to organize onsite events, ICR´s prestigious health specialists were chosen by Ellecktra for them to make direct contact with their community through Facebook Live. It wasn´t a one-way message: the feedback between the audience and the lecturers enriched these talks even more.

Not only did the interactions and views grow but also the number of ICR´s followers highly increased in May and September, when Facebook Live talks were broadcast
Intelligent content + Intelligent distribution = Intelligent results
640 %
Performance increased
ICR has a very good relationship with its patients and its doctors are very prestigious. Making good use of social media results in the institution´s digital presence and adds acknowledgement to its health professionals. It´s a great opportunity to strengthen bonds and for the people to be properly informed about trendy issues.
Laura Gordillo, Ellecktra´s Account Executive.